
Chowdah, Lobstah and Haddock! I’m now speaking New England! … and have experienced all four! The first was the nor’eastern, it rained for almost 24 hours straight. Quite a monsoon. This was our first day at Acadia. Thank goodness we rented a Cottage in advance. There was no way we could have tent camped in this weather and survived. Instead, we were all snuggled up in our cozy little “Country Cottage”.


Side note: the news stated Labor Day traffic back to the cities of Hartford, Boston, and New York was backed up for hundred of miles. Can you imagine that? Not me! That’s why we plan our travel to avoid crowds & traffic whenever we can.

On Labor Day we drove through a small portion of Acadia National Park. Could not see a thing through the rain and fog, so went to Bar Harbor and walked around town, ate dinner. We were both tired and road weary so it was a lite dinner of Clam Chowder and oyster crackers. Sooooo good!

Also checked out the Atlantic Brewing Co and tried 4 (2oz) samplers of their beer.
Thunder Hole Ale was the winner. Lucky us, the full brew pub right down the road from our cottage.


Yesterday we spent the day hiking. We hiked the Gorham Mountain trail and a portion of the carriage roads around Jordan Pond. Good full day of hiking! It wasn’t real hot but very muggy and an overcast day but at least it wasn’t raining. We stopped into our local brewpub to re-energize after a long day!

I must be getting spoiled (yes) – don’t get me wrong, this is a beautiful place … Although I would not rate in in my top 10 of national parks. I think the east coasters need to see Wisconsin, or upper Michigan. ANP offers up excellent coastal views, pretty harbors, nice hiking trails, lovely white clapboard houses, and mansions. Otherwise, it’s woods and some big hills. I hope I don’t get flack for this statement.

Today is sunny! We are sitting on top Cadillac Mountain enjoying the gorgeous views.
Here’s a brief glimpse.



Gotta go now! My mountain goat spouse says to put away the electronics. Time for a bit of digital detox. Until later ….
It’s now later. I take back some of my earlier comments on it being just woods….it is, but quite beautiful now the sun is shining. We did another great hike on the other side of the bay. Flying Mtn. Excellent harbor views, no crowds, and wonderful trail. I really like hiking on the gnarled tree roots and boulders! It makes the hike more challenging. Also, saw the sunset over Pretty Marsh, talk to some locals (one couple was the caretakers for Bartlett Island). The other couple was a local teacher and her husband was a lobsterman. I learned some interesting facts about the lobster industry and island lore.

Busy, busy day! Went up to star gaze at Cadillac Mtn. Saw the Milky Way which I haven’t seen this clearly in years. Finally stopped in town to get a lobster roll to go. Long fun filled day! Yeah for sunshine!!


Categories: Acadia National Park Maine 2013 | 1 Comment

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One thought on “Nor’estern!

  1. Megan Fields

    That cottage sure is cute! And the pictures of you two on the mountain top are great! I’m glad to see that old age isn’t keeping Sean from his extreme climbing urge.


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